

Please read this text before looking on the skills table! There are some rules that are mandatory to know for easier understanding of skill table.

The EFFECT, you see in the table, refer to what the main feature of the skill is. (if it is an attack skill EFFECT will refer to damage, if it is a buff will refer to what the buff does)
The RANGE, you see in the table, may refer to: distance between caster and enemy or ground, distance between targets (for an aoe)
The DURATION, you see in the table, the duration can be fixed or based on stats, or party numbers.
Some ranks give an extra bonus to specific skills (not talking here about what the rank does)
How important an attribute it is for the specific skill`s effect, duration or cool down will be noted as: STR:♦♦, DEX:♦♦♦ . The symbol ♦ goes from 1 (low importance) to 4 (very high importance). For example: INT:♦♦♦ this means that the skill gets most of its effect from int vs INT:♦ which means the skill`s effect will be improved by int in small amount

All skills have effect or duration or cd based on skill level! So keep in mind that for any skill, the skill level is mandatory to be high level (slayers and vampires have their skill level up to 100 - increase by leveling, ousters up to 30 - increase with skill points).
All magical skills are affected by opponent resistance, except those where it is specified! The resistance of the opponent can affect (depending on skill): the damage of a skill, the duration or the success rate.
Some skills are capped (they have a maximum), we did not specify this information in the table, but you will notice it in game.
We did not include all skills. However, if some important skill we did not list please open a ticket about it and we will add its information to the table.
Please keep in mind that we cannot provide direct formulas of the skills in order to prevent exploitation and to maintain a fair and balanced gameplay experience.

effectSTR ♦♦♦♦ 
noteEffect reffer to defence, Damage and Protection bonuses, while Tohit bonus is skill level based.
air shield
effectReduce melee damage received by a percent based on skill level.Capped at 70%.
burning sol
effectSTR ♦♦♦♦ 
Based on caster`s damage.
spit stream
effectSTR ♦♦♦♦ 
Based on caster`s damage.
dragon tornado
effect STR ♦♦♦♦ 
Based on caster`s damage and skill level.
Based on skill level. STR ♦♦♦♦ 
duration Based on skill level
moon card Increased damage and duration;
All tornados will have same damage.
bomb crash walk
effect STR ♦♦♦♦ 
Based on caster`s damage and skill level.
cool down DEX ♦♦♦♦ 
goldy set More damage and range
Success rate for bomb effect is 100%
Does crit
blade storm
effectSTR ♦♦♦♦ 
Based on attack range.
noteGets more damage from 10 in 10 lvls.

dancing sword
effectDEX ♦♦♦♦ 
Increase your tohit with a bonus.
effectIncrease hp with a bonus based on skill level.
durationSTR ♦♦♦♦ 
Based on skill level.
bike crash
effectSTR ♦♦♦♦ 
Based on damage and skill level.
noteLoose sight effect ratio is based on the difference between caster and target levels.
moon card Increased damage;
60% chances to do crit.
shine sword
effectSTR ♦♦♦♦ DEX ♦♦♦ 
Based on damage and skill level.
durationDEX ♦♦♦♦ 
Based on range.
noteThe silver effect amount is based on str.
goldy set Increased damage and range;
Makes silver damage.
70% chances to stun the main target
heavenly spark
effectBased on caster`s damage and Infinity Thunderbolt level.
noteThe silver effect amount is based on str.
Gets more damage from 10 in 10 lvls.

heart catalyst
effect The heal amount is based on the number of bullets left.
durationBased on skill level.
note Damage bonus is based on STR
Tohit bonus is based on DEX
Both bonuses also based on skill level.
observing eye
dur After rank 30.
A bonus is applied of 30 seconds.
noteDamage and critical bonuses are based on skill level.
eagle eye 2
noteIncrease Tohit with a 20% bonus.
effectSTR ♦♦♦♦ 
plasma rocket
effectSTR ♦♦♦♦ 
noteSkill tohit bonus is based on str.
harpoon bomb
effectSTR ♦♦♦♦ 
Based on skill level and damage.
durationDEX ♦♦♦♦ 
Based on range.
moon card 100% hit rate
use 2 bullets instead of 5
duration of harpoon is increased to 30 seconds
satellite bomb
effectDEX ♦♦♦♦ 
Based on skill level and damage.
25% chances to give blind to creatures around
cool downDEX ♦♦♦♦ 
Based on skill level
goldy set 100% hit rate
use 5 bullets instead of 10
100% hit rate
70% chances to give blind effect to cratures around
bomb makes silver damage
effectDEX ♦♦♦♦ 
Based on skill level and damage.
Based on range.
noteGets more damage from 10 in 10 lvls.

protection from curse
effectINT ♦♦♦♦
Affected by party size.
durationINT ♦♦♦♦
cool downSkill level.
noteIncrease the magic defence by a fixed percent. Using all 4 Protection bufs the magic defence bonus works agains ousters as well..
protection from poison
effectINT ♦♦♦♦
Affected by party size.
durationINT ♦♦♦♦
Skill level.
cool downSkill level.
noteIncrease the magic defence by a fixed percent. Using all 4 Protection bufs the magic defence bonus works agains ousters as well..
protection from acid
effectINT ♦♦♦♦
Affected by party size.
durationINT ♦♦♦♦
Skill level.
cool downSkill level.
noteIncrease the magic defence by a fixed percent. Using all 4 Protection bufs the magic defence bonus works agains ousters as well..
protection from blood
effectINT ♦♦♦♦
Affected by party size.
durationINT ♦♦♦♦
Skill level.
cool downSkill level.
noteIncrease the magic defence by a fixed percent. Using all 4 Protection bufs the magic defence bonus works agains ousters as well..
denial magic
noteReduce magical damage by 20%.
cure critical wounds
effectAffected by party size.
Improved by Holy Cross (ctrl+1) as extra bonus.
durationSkill level.
cure serious wounds
effectINT ♦♦♦♦
effectINT ♦♦♦♦
A bonus is given while using holy cross.
noteDoesnt work over summon clay.
noteThe resistance bonus is based on skill level and can be maximum 30% with a 30sec duration.
When you get resurrected, the healed hp is based on skill level: 100% hp if skill level is 100
cause critial wounds
effectINT ♦♦♦♦
A bonus is given if rank is learned: soul smashing rank.
noteThe resistance bonus is based on skill level.
vigor drop
effectINT ♦♦♦♦
A bonus is given if rank is learned: soul smashing.
durationBased on skill level.
noteThis skill hits the target 2 times: the second hit damage is 30% from the inital damage.
effectINT ♦♦♦♦
A bonus is given if rank is learned: soul smashing.
durationSkill level.
bombing star
effectINT ♦♦♦♦
A bonus is given if rank is learned: soul smashing.
noteThe skill ignores the opponenet resistance.
passing heal
effectHeals hp based on range.
Improved with holy cross (ctrl+1).
noteThis skill can also cure, based on a chance: poisons/doom/blunting/paralyze/seduction
moon card The heal amount is increased by 50%
100% success rate of cure
illusion inversion
effectINT ♦♦♦♦
noteThis skill have a healing effect: the effect can be activated with a 25% chance and stays for 20 seconds;the heal amount is based on your int but maximum 100hp.
godly set Summon 1 or 2 guards to help in combat
The second effect success rate and damage is increased.
The heal amount is increased to 150hp per hit.
effectINT ♦♦♦♦
Based also on range and soul smashing rank.
noteSkill gets more damage from 10 in 10 levels.

effectINT ♦♦♦♦
Affected by party size.
durationAfter 1000 INT it increase based on int, up to 5 min.
noteThe bonus can be increase up to maximum 25%.
effectINT ♦♦♦♦
durationAfter 1000 INT it increase based on int, up to 5 min.
Affected by party size.
effectINT ♦♦♦♦
noteINT ♦♦♦♦
Can reflect maximum 300% from damage received
Reflect only melee attacks
The reflection can be reduced by opponenet resistance
Vampires can break their Mephisto if the countered damage is greater than 1/3 from vampire hp
Keep in mind that not all skills can be reflected
aura shield
effectReduce attacker hp with 10% from the damage made.
The MP consumtion is based on damage that skill makes.
It consume less MP vs phsycal attacks.
The damage blocked is based on the skill level.
durationAffected by party size.
noteDoesnt work vs grounds attaks.
holy armor 2
effectINT ♦♦♦♦
durationSkill level.
spirit guard
effectINT ♦♦♦♦
Affected by target level.
duration50sec fixed
25sec cast on others
noteCannot be used if thorns are active.
durationINT ♦♦♦♦
intimate grail
durationINT ♦♦♦♦
hpbonusINT ♦♦♦♦
defbonusINT ♦♦♦♦
noteGive hp and def when cast on slayers.
Remove 25% def and hp when cast on others.
aura ring
effectINT ♦♦♦♦
A bonus is given if rank is learned: Holy Smashing rank.
noteSkill ignores opponent resistance.
The duration differ if cast on self or on others.
sweep vice
effectINT ♦♦♦♦
noteDamage is based on skill steps: first step have more damage vs the last step.
This skill ignore opponent resistance.
divine guidance
effectINT ♦♦♦♦
durationBased on skill level
noteSkill has more damage to monsters.
rotten apple
effectINT ♦♦♦♦
Based on skill level.
moon card Increased damage and aoe range.
rotten apple
effectINT ♦♦♦♦
Based on skill level.
godly set On first time used the clear/cure have wider area.
Increased damage.
Makes silver damage per hit (by default).
effectINT ♦♦♦♦
Affected by range.
duration6min fixed
3min cast on others
noteThe skill gets more damage from 10 in 10 levels.